Consular Service

Consular Services

On this site you can find information about the services provided by the Consulate General of Costa Rica in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

To request any service you must verify that you meet the necessary requirements and then request an appointment via email [email protected]

In addition, if the procedure has a cost according to the consular fee No. 35757-RE, it must have been canceled previously and attach a copy of the receipt at the time of requesting your appointment, entering your name in the detail of the deposit.

Only the person who has the appointment is allowed to enter, if they come with companions they must wait outside.


Consular Fee

Appointments will be assigned once payment has been verified in the Consular Fee collection account.

To pay for any Consular Service:

You must make a transfer or deposit to the account number of the Consulate,
The account is in US Dollars so most banks will require the transfer to be made as an international transfer, from the UK to the UK.

The amount that enters the consulate account must cover the cost of the procedure, so you must assume all the transaction and transfer costs.

Please make sure that your bank transfers the correct amount since there are banks that have hidden charges and if the amount that enters the consulate account is less than the cost of the process, it cannot be done until the difference is deposited

The account details are as follows:

Barclays Bank: Embassy of Costa Rica
IBAN: GB16BUKB20691743696988
Bank Address: Barclays, Leicester, LE87 2BB
In the reference, you must indicate your full name and the service required

1. Application for identity card for the first time

2. Application for renewal (duplicate) of identity card

3. Passport Application

4. Exit permit for minors from Costa Rica

5. Birth Registration

6. Registration of marriages celebrated abroad

7. Criminal Record Request

8. Notarial Procedures